HOLY CRAP IN A CARDBOARD BOX!!! Keenspace completely crashed, (as did my motivation...but more on that later) Anywho...while it was down: I tried to start updating again, I found out that keenspace 'sploded, Worm turned one year old and NOBODY SENT ME ANY FRIGGAN FANART!!, and I started another little side comic--Dez At Work...be dazzled by it's brilliance. Well, if I still have any readers, I'd love to hear from you ( wormcomic@hotmail.com ). So drop me a line, for whatever reason--if you want to tell me what you think of my comics, if you want to bitch at me for not updating, if you want to express your undying love for me and really creep me out, or whatever...just mail me....i'm so terribly lonely...*sniffle*
Hello and Sorry all at once. I got a new job and
haven't been able to make out new comics until now. Now that I'm pretty
much trained for all I have to do things will be less intense around
here so I should be back to normal. (well, as normal as I get) The new
character is Tom, one of my best friends and the only one who, believe
it or not, has NEVER asked to be in the comic. HEY!! Worm is almost ONE
YEAR OLD! I wonder if he'll get any birthday presents from his
fans...(hint hint: guest art!) well, that's it for now. have fun and be
good, but if you can't do both, just have fun..:)
Hey Again Chillins! (that's southern talk for kiddos)
two things of interest today. 1.) I WON THE CHOPPING BLOCK CONTEST!
HOORAY!! go to www.choppingblock.org
to see my entry AND if you don't know about Chopping Block, then be
sure to read ALL of his comics BECAUSE THEY ARE WONDERFUL!!! ok, so
numbah 2.)I'm starting to update on Saturdays as well as Sundays and
Wednesdays but the Saturday comics will be of the short one-panel gag
kind until i get into the habbit of doing them, so today's comic is
dedicated to one of my newest fans, Anna. Enjoy. (if anyone has a
special request and would like to see it up here, please let me
know--> wormcomic@hotmail.com
Well, Guest Comic Week was not too good...one person
finished their guest strip on time...but that's ok, I've decided that
regardless of what I'm doing as far as the comic goes, if someone sends
me a guest strip, I will do my best to put it up THAT DAY without
regards to my update sched. ...In other news...jeeze.. PETA and the
ASPCA are going to have a field day with me..heh.
AHH! It's Guest Strip Week here at worm comics!
(sunday's will be up sometime, she wasn't happy with it and is redoing
it) and today's guest strip comes from Glen at Chaomic check it out, it's cool!
cheese and goblins,
Hi Everyone! Sorry my halloween comic didn't update
like it was supposed to, Keenspace was having some major server
problems and try as I might, the darn thing wouldn't even let me in to
my account to force update. I think all those problems are resolved for
now, which is good. Anywho...I'm going back to bi-weekly now that I've
gotten back into the swing of drawing these silly things. Look out for
a story line some time in the future.
cheese and goblins,
Greetings again my little cheese eating poppets! What
are you waiting for? go here
right now and play my game! oh, and um..vote 5...BECAUSE I SAID SO!
Back From Hiatus! YAY! Yesterday's comic was supposed to be the flash that i toiled on for many hours to please all of my loyal fans, but alas, i cannot get the damned thing to show up right. I'm back but i don't think i'll be doing biweekly anymore...i got burned out and that's why i took the summer off. sorry i didn't post any kind of notice, just 4 crap comics and then nothing. i'm still working on getting it up for the ninth, but if it's not there and you want to see it i'll be putting it up elsewhere
Not much to say today, just thought this would be
pretty funny, if you don't like it, too bad.
Ah, payin' the bills....hehe...just kidding. We all
know it's a fake ad, but i really wish there was some of that stuff on
the market. Oh well.
Ok Ok Ok, so i had to do at least one with a zero wing
referrence...so sue me.
Hey Kiddos! Today's comic guest stars my buddy Peirrin (Mitch and Friends and The Artistic Mercenaries) Enjoy!
Oh Jeeze! I know i haven't updated in a while, but i've
gone back and put the filler in for last week that i had planned to
anyway. My head has been pretty messed up lately and i haven't been
very focused...but hopefully that is all over now and the comic should
be back on track. Thanks for sticking with me.
On another note, i know that most people don't like typing
http://dezmodus.keenspace.com or even www.worm.isevil.info, because
they're long and hard to remember...so now in addition to those
addresses, you can use WWW.WORMCOMIC.TK to get here! how awesome is
Well, i kinda crapped Chico out of the comic i said i'd put him in, so here's the real comic featuring Chico. Enjoy.
Yes, many of you may remember the terrible comic that
was here before, it was Dezmodus the Satyr (some of you may even know
what a satyr is) but it sucked so i killed him, the above comic
explains in greater detail.
Ok, if you're looking for the old posts, they're in the
new [News] page. Please check out my store and
feel free to tell me anything you'd like on a shirt, hat, whatever.
I'll put it up for you. In addition to the items listed in the store,
i'm going to be making buttons and selling them for 50 cents each. (i'm
not going to ship you one button, so i'll have a package of buttons
that you can order from me for a flat fee, if you don't live close
enough to me to buy them directly from me, that is) Everyone loves
buttons! you can put them on anything! so let's all buy buttons and be
happy people!
Been a little while since we had a chat (yes, all 3
fans of this comic and me) so i thought i'd fill you in on my little
life. on wednesday i will be flying to New Jersey for about a week. If
keenspace doesn't autoupdate my comics then i'll just have to fix it
all when i get back. see ya round. Oh, by the way, I put the store up,
go check it out, if you have any products you'd like to buy, i'll be
happy to make them just for you.
Well, not a lot of news today, but i did want to tell
you that I will gladly link to anyone who links to me and would like
one in exchange. I've made a new banner and it's in the links page.
feel free to use it. e-mail me if you want a link. thank you, that is
Hey again kids! I know the comic isn't Worm, but i
still think it's funny, i needed a break so i can get some ideas fully
meshed out, until then...here ya go! Enjoy!
Sorry about last Sunday's comic (or lack thereof) but
it's fixed now and i've got more on the way. Happy Valentines Day and
all that good stuff! Melli, I love you!
Well kiddies, i was going to send you all a present,
but i doubt you'd want a cardboard box of dead rats, so instead, here's
today's comic! yay!
I know it's a little late for a lord of the rings
comic, but oh well. at least i haven't done a wing zero comic (ALL YOUR
BASE ARE BELONG TO US!)...jeeze i'm such a dork.
ARRGG!!! yeah, keenspace was down for a little while,
sorry about that there wasn't anything i could do. Also sorry for not
having this recent comic up until now, when the keeners went down i
think it lost the file so i had to reupload it..(only i didn't know it
was lost so i figured keenspace was just stuck in one spot...stupid me)
Well, one more apology and i'll leave you alone...i've been lazy lately
and low on ideas, but i've got more comics just waiting to be inked and
scanned and colored and posted and updated so check back with me soon.
Hey Kiddos, I've been updating on a pretty regular
basis, hope you're getting a feel for the comic and a better
understanding of the humor. I'm always working to try to improve the
site and the comic, so if you have any suggestions, lemme know. Drop me
a line in the Feedback section or just mail me at wormcomic@hotmail.com
I also put a link button up in the links section, if you like it, save
it and use it on your own site or whatever. If you don't know how to
well, i put up a cast listing and i put some sketches
and crap in the art section. Since i used up loads of time and energy
(yeah right) the least you could do is check it out. enjoy
OK, i know, Dezmodus, The Satyr sucked....a lot...i
know...it wasn't what i really wanted to do with my comic and the
humor...well...there was none...i know. I hope that you can forgive me
for bringing something so stupid into the world, anyway...this will be
the home of my new comic WORM, please like it, i need you to like